21 - 40 of 72 agencies
Department of Child Support Services
4 forms 3 contacts
The County of San Bernardino Department of Child Support Services determines paternity, establishes and enforces child support orders, and secures payments to assist families in meeting the financial and medical needs of their children. The Department provides timely and effective service in a professional manner.
Department of Civil Service Commission
1 contacts
The San Bernardino Civil Service Commission, located in San Bernardino, CA, is a government agency that ensures fairness and protects the merit basis of government personnel systems in San Bernardino. The Civil Service Commission minimizes political influence in the relationship between San Bernardino government agencies and their employees. The oversight powers of the Civil Service Commission include authority over personnel practices, recruitment, hiring, position classification, disciplinary actions, promotions, and removals.
Department of Community Development & Housing
19 forms 1 contacts
The mission of Community Development and Housing is to achieve economic and community revitalization through stakeholder collaboration and leveraging of federal, state and local resources.
Department of Cooperative Extension
7 forms 3 contacts
The mission of UCCE San Bernardino County is to develop and extend practical research-based information in agriculture and natural resource to the residents and workforce of San Bernardino County through a trained core of academics, staff, and volunteers.
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources delivers healthy food systems, healthy environments, healthy communities and healthy Californians. From more bountiful berries to safer food to cleaner water, ANR turns science into solutions.
Department of Coroner
2 forms 2 contacts
The Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator provides professional public safety services to residents and visitors of San Bernardino so they can be safe and secure in their homes and businesses.
Department of Human Resources
65 forms 1 contacts
The Human Resources Department is committed to providing effective customer service to all departments, employees, and constituents of the County of San Bernardino, through the timely delivery of innovative, quality human resources systems, programs, and services.
Department of Human Services
1 contacts
Human Services works to build a healthy community by strengthening Individuals and families, enhancing quality of life, and valuing people.
Department of Innovation and Technology
1 contacts
The Department of Innovation and Technology provides contemporary, innovative, secure and accessible technology in computer, media and communication services in the most cost effective manner, enabling departments and agencies to accomplish the mission of San Bernardino County.
Department of Land Use Services
1 forms 5 contacts
The Land Use Services Department is dedicated to ensuring a balance in the areas of housing, business, and recreational needs for the diverse cultures and communities of San Bernardino County. This is accomplished through comprehensive regional planning and enforcement of building standards, land uses, and environmental impacts.
Department of Public Guardian
35 forms 1 contacts
Department of Public Works
6 forms 3 contacts
Mission is to enhance the quality of life for the diverse communities by developing and maintaining public infrastructure, and providing a variety of municipal services that complements the natural resources and environment.
The Public Works Department provides a broad range of services and infrastructure to help ensure safe and desirable communities for the people of San Bernardino County. Areas of responsibility include roads, traffic, flood control, storm water quality, water conservation, solid waste services, and County surveyor functions.
Department of Purchasing
14 forms 1 contacts
The Purchasing Department provides procurement services, administers contracts, manages vendor relationships, oversees procurement card program operations, and implements the electronic procurement system. Divisions include printing services and graphic design, mail and courier services, and surplus property disposition and storage services.
Department of Registrar of Voters
1 forms 1 contacts
The Registrar of Voters Office upholds the integrity of the electoral process by consistently conducting fair and open elections that are accessible to all and that accurately reflects the intent of the electorate, promotes public confidence, increased voter participation, and strengthens democracy while providing the highest quality of customer service.
Department of Transportation
6 forms 1 contacts
The Transportation Division manages the planning, design, operation, maintenance, and improvements of the County Maintained Road System (CMRS) that currently includes approximately 2,500 miles of roadways. Major activities are administration, planning, design, construction, and traffic operations. Management and technical activities are centered in the City of San Bernardino office. Maintenance functions are provided through 13 yards with regional facilities located to best serve the 20,000-square-mile area of the County.
District Attorney
8 forms 1 contacts
The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office represents the interests of the people in the criminal justice system, as mandated by California State law. The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office serves the residents of San Bernardino County by: seeking the truth; protecting the innocent; holding the guilty accountable; preserving the dignity of victims and their families; and ensuring that justice is done while always maintaining the highest ethical standards.
Division 11 - EMS, Special Operations & Training
3 forms 1 contacts
Division 1 - West Valley
6 forms 15 contacts
Division 2 - East Valley
60 forms 16 contacts
Division 3 - Mountain
121 forms 15 contacts
Division 4 - South Desert
65 forms 17 contacts