Family Household Income Reporting Worksheet (Lower Income Households) (BOE-267-L-A)

This government document is issued by County Communications Office for use in California

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Section 214(g) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code provides that property owned by nonprofit organizations or eligible limited
liability companies providing housing for lower income households can qualify for the Welfare Exemption from property taxes for those units
whose family household income does not exceed the limits stated herein. Pursuant to section 214(g)(2)(A)(iii), for property that is eligible
for and receives low-income housing tax credits pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 42, units shall continue to qualify for
exemption if the occupants were lower income households when they first moved into the unit, but whose income has subsequently
increased to no more than 140 percent of area median income (AMI) ("over-income" tenants).

Questions About This Form

I don't understand section 4 for my situation. My household comprises of two individuals and our household income exceeds the 140% AMI limit. However section 4 wants to declare that our income DOES NOT exceed the AMI. Which it does... What do I do?

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