It is the foremost mission is to at all times provide the public, bar, and Judges of this Court the highest level of service possible in a professional, timely, and efficient manner. Maintain current and accurate records, steadfastly adhere to the United States Bankruptcy Code, Federal Rules, Local Rules and all related statutes and regulations, preserve the dignity of the court and the public's respect for it, provide prompt and accurate information on all court records and procedures in a courteous manner, utilize effective case management so as to assure all matters before this court are expeditiously and effectively moved toward a just and equitable conclusion ,treat all persons with dignity and respect and wisely manage the public resources with which we are entrusted.
Forms & Documents
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Contact Information & Office Locations
All 3 contact points
Harrisonburg Office
116 N. Main St.
Room 223
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
- (540) 434-8327
Lynchburg Office
1101 Court St.
Room 166
Lynchburg, VA 24504
- (434) 845-0317
Roanoke Office
210 Church Ave.
Room 200
Roanoke, VA 24011
- (540) 857-2391