Hawai'i State Judiciary

Official Website: http://www.courts.state.hi.us

The mission of the Judiciary, as an independent branch of government, is to administer justice in an impartial, efficient and accessible manner in accordance with the law.

The Judiciary is one of three branches of state government in Hawai`i. The other two are the executive and legislative branches. As an independent government branch, the Judiciary is responsible for administering justice in an impartial, efficient and accessible manner according to the law.

Once every minute, a case is filed in one of Hawai`i’s state courts. Judges preside over a wide variety of cases including divorces, child abuse cases, landlord-tenant disputes, traffic violations, and assaults, and make decisions that can have lifelong consequences for the people involved. The law and the system may seem complex, but at its heart is the protection of individual rights and freedoms, a precious key to a sound democracy. Democracy cannot function unless the third branch of government decides each case based solely on the particular laws and facts presented, regardless of public opinions and other outside influences.

Forms & Documents

Browse all Hawai'i State Judiciary government forms

201 - 220 of 531 forms

Form Title Topics
Instructions for Service by Mail & Posting in Lieu of Publication (MUST PRINT FIRST)
Instructions for Uncontested Paternity (MUST PRINT FIRST)
Instructions for VEP Paternity Packet (MUST PRINT FIRST)
Instructions, Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment Entered in Traffic Infraction Case, and Appearance Bond
Instructions Regarding Notice of Intent to File a Complaint Against a Private Child Custody Evaluator
Instructions Regarding Notice of Intent to File a Complaint Against a Private Child Custody Evaluator
Instructions Regarding Notice of Intent to File a Complaint Against a Private Child Custody Evaluator
Instructions Regarding Notice of Intent to File a Complaint Against a Private Child Custody Evaluator (MUST PRINT FIRST)
Interrogatories to Defendant
Interrogatories to Defendant
Interrogatories to Plaintiff
Interrogatories to Plaintiff
Judgment Debtor(s)’s Motion Return/Release of Wages Exempt from Garnishment; Notice of Motion; Certificate of Service; Garnishment Calculation Worksheet; Exhibit “A”
Judgment for Possession
Kids First Information Sheet
Kids First Information Sheet
Land Court Petition Form
Land Court Petition Samples/death
Land Court Petition Samples/divorce

Contact Information & Office Locations

1 contact point

Administrative Office of the Courts

417 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813-2943

Phone numbers:
  • (808) 539-4853 (TTY Text Telephone) ,(808) 539-4900 (Administrative Director & Deputy Director) ,(808) 539-4336 (EEO/ADA) ,(808) 539-4237 (Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution) ,(808) 534-6700 (Children’s Justice Center) ,(808) 539-4790 (Commission on Judicial Conduct) ,(808) 539-4860 (Court Interpreting) ,(808) 539-4994 (Court Tours) ,(808) 521-4591 (Disciplinary Counsel) ,(808) 534-6800 (Driver’s License Revocation) ,(808) 539-4949 (Human Resources) ,(808) 539-4910 (Information/Public Affairs)

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