Through leadership and service to the state education system, the Iowa Department of Education works to ensure all students are ready for college and career training and receive the postsecondary support they need to succeed. The Department provides oversight to the state education system that includes public elementary and secondary schools, nonpublic schools that receive state accreditation, area education agencies, community colleges, and teacher preparation programs.
Iowa learners experience high levels of success and develop the capacity to continually grow as successful, healthy, and productive citizens in a global community. Creates excellence in education through leadership and service.
Forms & Documents
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Contact Information & Office Locations
1 contact point
Grimes State Office Building
400 E 14th St
Des Moines, IA 50319-0146
- (515) 281-3436
- (515) 281-8661
- 515-281-5294 (Main line)
- (515) 242-5988
- (515) 242-5988
- 515-242-5988 (main fax)