The Texas Comptroller's office was originally created by the Texas provisional government in 1835. The Comptroller is the chief steward of the state's finances, acting as tax collector, chief accountant, chief revenue estimator and chief treasurer for all of state government, in addition to administering a number of other programs.
Forms & Documents
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Contact Information & Office Locations
1 contact point
Main Office
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Lyndon B. Johnson State Office Building
111 East 17th Street
P.O. Box 13528
Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78774
- (800) 252-5555 (911 Emergency Service/Equalization Surcharge)
- (800) 862-2260 (Ag/Timber Registration)
- (512) 463-0959 (Alcohol Distributor/Supplier Report)
- (800) 252-5555 (Automotive Oil Fee)
- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri.